Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cutest Boy!

We love you so much Bubby, and you are so cute! You are getting so big, so fast I can't believe it!

Monday, August 22, 2011


You live everything we have been feeding you!! Here are some things out of the garden for you to try!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy July

Today is July first, and it was beautiful! Daddy didn't have to go to work until late so we took you to the beach down the street. I think you really enjoyed it. You are so cute in your little sun hat! Here are a few pictures we took, I think you get cuter everyday!

You weren't to sure about the sand between your toes but someday you will like it. Promise!
You were mesmerized by something, I have no idea what but you thought it was interesting.

You and Daddy are so cute! I love you both so much!
I hope we have many more trips to the beach Bubby! I grew up on the beach and loved it, I hope you enjoy exploring it, like I did, as you get older!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Big Boy

You are getting so big. You are almost 4 months old, but you wear 6-9 month old clothes! You are so cute! We love you Bubby!!